I'm not an organized person by nature. Thank God I marry one. I remember the first big fight we had after we got married was over a messy desk. Chris can't function when the place is not in order while I didn't see the need to clean up when I was still working on something. I came a long way since then. Throughout the years of our marriage, I learn how to plan and organize my life, time, and resources. The one book that I found to be very helpful is
Order from Chaos: A Six-Step Plan for Organizing Yourself, Your Office, and Your Life
. I wrote a review/ summary about the book a little while ago here.
Anyway, last week The Simplemom Project Simplify Hot Spot#2 was Paper Clutter (junk mails, books, magazine, documents, etc...) so I look around the house and below are the result.
We had these two (one for Chris and one for me) Dumping Bins: filled with paper docs that need to be put away:
I decided it's time to tackle the piles and eliminate one bin since I'm the one who handle paper filing anyway.
That's all the paper clutter that I found. We just happened to file and clean up our tax and financial documents earlier this month. The IRS only requires us to keep tax docs for 3 years (unless the persons cheat on their income then the IRS can go back up to 7 years) - so that's what we do. However, we keep other important financial docs such as retirement, investment, and home buying stuff. Below is how we keep our tax docs:
And below is how I organize all my recipes: inside a clear file folder. I just pull out the appropriate page whenever I need to cook/ bake something:
We have book shelves to hold most of our books but I keep my reference books close by the place where I use them. For instance: I have this little pile of recipe books, Bible, and journal in the dining room:
And here is Max's pile of books down stair:
As soon as I took the above pics, Max immediately come to me asking me to take the picture of his Thomas book as well.