My water bag started to leak at 6 PM when I woke up from nap on Sunday, March 27, 2011. Praise God for His perfect timing! My sisters in Christ were happened to gather at my place so they can send me off with their prayers and take care of Max while I'm in labor :)
I love this ball. I was sitting on it while doing pelvic rock - much better than walking around or sitting down on the bed. Mommies to be, you got to have this when you are in labor
Chris download contraction meter on His iphone to time the contraction. It's so much easier than using stopwatch or laptop :P Thank God for the technology. I was kept checking messages while timing the contraction. It's such an encouragement to know that our friends and family are praying and thinking of us. :)
I was laboring on the ball with Chris' supporting, encouraging, and praying for me the whole time. The pain was excruciating at the end that I had to ask for epidural but it's too late.... the nurse said it's time to PUSH
Useful things to bring to labor: my own favorite pillow, thick and comfy socks, small towel damp in warm water - Chris continuously warm it up and put it on my head while I was laboring:
Koko Maxie came to join us in the afternoon. He stayed with Bertha and the Satriya's Family that night and the next day. Wesley was born 2 weeks earlier than schedule that's why my mom wasn't here yet. Thank God we have family in Christ who joyfully taking turn to take care of Max.
"So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God, I'll strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10