The conference was held in Irvine, about 380 miles from our place. We left early and got to enjoy beautiful view of God's creation. I was praying as I drive because it was quite foggy making it hard for me to see:

After 6 hours driving, we treated ourselves delicious Indonesian meals:

I traveled with two of my friends: S & K. S brought her son along. His grandma babysat him while we were at the conference. I love this boy to bits, his sweet smile, his love to explore, his bountiful energy, the fact that him and his family live close to us. :)

The conference:

One thing that impressed in my heart the most is when one by one of Sally's kids (except for her oldest, who currently studying in Oxford) share their heart and testimony, playing musical instruments, engaging with the audience. It's very inspiring to see family who love the Lord, each other, and other people. They reminded me a lot to The Ostby Family.
The lesson, sharing, and vision that Sally and other speakers shared are far beyond that what I can write in words. Below are what I managed to jot down in my note:
In order to follow God, we got to turn away from the LOUD voices of this world.
Nathan's (Sally's 3rd child) sharing:
After 6 hours driving, we treated ourselves delicious Indonesian meals:
I traveled with two of my friends: S & K. S brought her son along. His grandma babysat him while we were at the conference. I love this boy to bits, his sweet smile, his love to explore, his bountiful energy, the fact that him and his family live close to us. :)
The conference:
One thing that impressed in my heart the most is when one by one of Sally's kids (except for her oldest, who currently studying in Oxford) share their heart and testimony, playing musical instruments, engaging with the audience. It's very inspiring to see family who love the Lord, each other, and other people. They reminded me a lot to The Ostby Family.
The lesson, sharing, and vision that Sally and other speakers shared are far beyond that what I can write in words. Below are what I managed to jot down in my note:
"The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down." Proverbs 14:1
A. The wise woman know God and shaped by God's Words. We can't teach to our child's heart what is not already on our own heart. As moms, it's very important to be in God Words and in constant prayer with Him. No matter which season of life we are in. Learning God's Words take time.
Raising children for God's glory is God's works.
We got to be in the Word. Find time in the Word & prayers
Fill your heart, mind with goodness, truth, and beauty
Teach on gentleness, grace and forgiveness
Train in gracious manners, language, and courtesies.
Create opportunities to serve and honor others.
Train how to overcome evil with good.
B. Her focus is the heart of her children (Ephesians 6:4); to raise her kids in the Lord
What can God do through us, moms? Remember what He did through 12 men?
Who know you are raising Daniels? We are called to prepare a warrior.
In order to follow God, we got to turn away from the LOUD voices of this world.
-> this one sentence alone made me cry. I'm a people person. I shared before that the first verse that I memorized is Galatians 1:10 "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."Yet, I'm still easily overwhelmed when people (most of them have good intentions I know) shared their opinions on things that we don't think fit our values. Okay moving on:
We live in the culture that give permission for one to make excuses and quit. For instance when marriage is hard -> quit. Let the Holy Spirit speaks and work through you.
Keep your priorities straight!
Praise God first thing in the morning; Pray for wisdom, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and compassion.
Keep in mind, "your kids are not going to be like that (fill in the blank: nursing, making a mess when eating, being read to, etc...) forever."
Keep in mind, "your kids are not going to be like that (fill in the blank: nursing, making a mess when eating, being read to, etc...) forever."
God is at work and He will do great thing in your children.
Life is so short. Be passionate about the life you live. We all have choices to make. Choose JOY!
* The truth is there's no formula (on raising Godly kids, etc..), we've got to spend time with the Lord in the Word. We can't afford not to do so. The moon simply reflex the sun we're simply to reflex Jesus.
Nathan's (Sally's 3rd child) sharing:
To raise your kid to be God's chaser you got to:
1. Train your kid to know God
2. They need coach and you are their coach who prepare and train them every day.
3. They need to see you chasing after God yourself!
In conclusion, "Read the Bible and play lego with them." :)
The best gift parents can get is when the children grow up to love the Lord and their family.
“To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.” Barbara Johnson
- to be continued: Mom Heart Conference - Part 2

“To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today.” Barbara Johnson
- to be continued: Mom Heart Conference - Part 2