After we sign the final selling paper, it's finally time to move the left over stuff from our condo.
A close family friends helped with the final moving and even took these pictures:
First family picture with the moving truck in front of our "new" 50-year-old home.
Come on in! Some of these pictures were taken from the flyer by the seller agent:

The Living Room when it was on the market. Staging really make a difference.

After we moved in:
We still haven't move our big sofa then:
Moving on into the kitchen:
when it was on the market:

We sold the old fridge on craigslist and brought the refrigerator from our previous kitchen.
Everything in this 1960 kitchen is still working fine, I still managed to cook and bake regularly. Of course more working surface, gas stove, and white cabinet would be nice but until it's time for us to renovate, I am grateful for what we have.
We (by we I meant my better half) managed to add the curtain a week after we move in.
Moving on to bath room and bed rooms:
The first bed room when it was on the market. Of course it doesn't look this fancy now.

The second bed room:

The third and smallest bed room, which we currently use as our study room:

Below was the one and only bath room picture on the listing. I will share more details picture on the next post.

The bathroom right after we moved in:
A dear 8 years old daughter of a dear friend commented, "Auntie Kiki, your "new" house is yellow, small, old, and has carpet. I like the back yard but I still like your old place better." We love the backyard too. We know wall can be painted, old things and carpet can be changed or replaced but good location and floor plan can't.

Eventually, we plan to add another bathroom and additional space in the family room but until then we are thankful for what we have and learning to manage living with one bathroom.
Thankfully, I am the only lady in the house so in case of emergency the boys can always go to the back yard, right? ;)

Thank you for "visiting"! Hope you enjoy the tour.
Ah finally i can blogvisit you new pad..;)
udah di invite ngak dateng2