The boys can't wait to get inside the calm and warm as they are geothermal pools.
I was in my twenties the first time I went snorkeling and this little guy discovered the underwater world when he was five.
O... hi there

Now it's time to shower and go to lunch
We ate at Kaleo restaurant at Pahoa super fresh and delicious.

This pretty gecko can be found everywhere including inside our rental house.
The owner of the house has some books and Max picked this book and tried to memorize all the names of the fishes .

Next stop: Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park
We are used to hike 3-4 miles so when we saw the sign: "Visitor Center 0.3 miles"; I told the kids to act like you are very tired. I didn't think they could act that well. :)
Another short hike to Thurston Lava Tube
Lava tube is a channel formed by flowing lava which moves beneath the hardened surface of lava flow.
The tropical plants are so fascinating.
We brought mosquitoes repellent so we didn't get much mosquitoes bites.
Max was learning about volcano and volcanic rocks this year so it was priceless to see his light bulb went on as he's connecting what he was learning from the book to being in a volcano national park.

Holei Sea Arch
We waited until sunset at the Jaggar museum

to finally see the lava glow at night
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