A few weeks ago, God called Bobo, my local mom and the kids' local grandma to Heaven.
We held a home going service at church and many people came to celebrate her, her care, and love.
During the service, we gave people chance their memory with her. Friends and family shares how much she cared toward them, always calling and checking on them, giving people Chinese medicine whenever they are sick, always ready to serve and help anyone. Wherever she goes, she always make friends even with her limited English. To the spouse of her neighbor who has dementia, she kept on encouraging him and prayed for them.
I used to think I was special that she treated me like her own child but then I realized it wasn’t true. I wasn’t special. She loves and treat everyone like her own.
We watched this parenting webinar online earlier this year and it has been so helpful as our kids grow into teenagers. As parents we need to continue to learn, grow, and change as the kids grow and change.
Parent's Crazy cycle:
As parents, we often ask -> Repeat -> Remind -> Yelling
What are your battles:
1. Homework/ Chores, unwillingness to listen and learn
2. Backtalk/ defiance
3. Delaying on doing works/ turning off their devices.
Behavior is not random. There is always reasons for behavior.
Kids have a longing for attention and power. Many kids act out when they don't get enough attention/ love and power/ respect/ independent/ control.
Kids only continue the behavior that works for them. Kids pushing back in order to gain some power.
Human being are born with Free Will. It means it's always their choice to obey or not.
Most parents use time out, counting 1, 2, 3 but this strategies doesn't work with a strong will kids and they will fight back.
Punishment and discipline are totally different animals.
Punishment cause the child to feel: blame, shame, or pain. The child natural reaction will be defensive and lie.
Discipline teaches kids to make better choice in the future
No Yelling Discipline Strategies:
Our personalities play a huge role in power struggles. Take a note when your personalities trigger your kids response?
The more we want things done our ways; the more kids fight back.
If we simply stop responding with emotion, we are solving 50% of the power struggle.
5R's of Consequences for kids 3 to teens:
1. The consequences must be Respectful. If you can't deal with the problem in respectful moment or when you are angry and resentful, wait or don't do it immediately.
2. The consequences must be Related to the misbehavior. For example: if one doesn't want to brush teeth, he/ she can't eat sugary food like ice cream/ snacks. For older kids: when not turning off the device on time, he/ she can't play the next day. Your kids don't have to like the consequence but it must feel fair. Otherwise, the kids won't feel not fair or justify in their behavior/ anger and shut down
3. Consequences must be Reasonable in duration.
4. Revealed in advance so the child can make a choice, when every body in good mood.
5. Have the child repeat back if he/ she chose not to follow that rule.
It's been a while since I write here. I decided to jot down my mom's cancer journey on the blog. I want to record this journey as we go through the valley of shadow of death and so I don't forget how God's hands holding us through this.
Swab test, Rapid test, CT Scan, Blood test, Biosy, Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Pet Scan, MRI, Lung Scan, more Swab tests, Mammogram, another Biopsy. Those are all the tests plus some more that my mom has to take since beginning of July. Mom started to have diarrhea since June and has lost 10 kg since. We brought her for CT Scan, which shown swollen lymph node behind her stomach. After so many tests and studied by internist, surgeon, pathologist, radiologist, and oncologist, they gave their final diagnosis: inoperable pancreatic cancer stage 4. Stage 4 because the cancer already spread to neck and left arm. It can't no longer be cure only slow the growth and spread.
From the gene test, we learned her type of cancer was BRAF positive, the aggressive kind, which mean we likely don't have much time with her.
For the first round of chemo, they will administer 3 drugs, which side effect include: numbness of hand and feet, diarrhea, dry skin, and spotty, weak, hick-up, insomnia, and constipation.
She has to watch her diet and can't eat: