Our baby is 2 months old today. Thank you Auntie Yanny for reminding mommy & daddy. =P
At two months:
1. Max bisa panggil2 kalo ditinggalin sendiri di bouncer;
2. He loves his bath time;
3. He loves to see his mobile
4. He doesn't mind to be changed as long as his tummy is full.
4. He doesn't mind to be changed as long as his tummy is full.
5. He loves his playtime with daddy & singing time with mommy
6. Doesn't mind loud noise.
7. Can respond by smiling, laughing, moving his hands, and legs
8. Can sleep up to 4 to 5 hours at night
9. He's pretty much in routine already.
10. He only cries out-loud when he's hungry
Thank you Lord for allowing us to celebrate these two months of Max's life.