Saturday, March 14, 2009

Precious Letter

I was searching one document in my computer but found one very precious document instead: the 10 pages (single space, 12 pt font size) letter that I wrote to my dad almost 9 years ago.
Chris was going to call my parents to ask for their approval before we began our courtship. I figured I better tell my dad the whole story first: how we met, our journey in getting to know each other, how God brought us closer together, and so on. I am NOT going to share the whole letter here because it's way too personal but I do want to post one small part of the letter:

Pah, I want you to share with you the standard that I set for my future life partner to help me not settle for less. Below was what I wrote down on my journal:

I am worth waiting for. Through Jesus’ strength, I can stand firm, unwavering, as I wait for God’s best.

Romans 12:2 “Do not conform any longer with the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Father, I pray for my life partner that he may have these characteristics:
1. A spiritual leader who put God first beyond all things (Ephesians 4:23-33)
2. Puts the needs of others ahead of his own (Philipians 2:3-4)
3. Rejoice in his relationship with Christ (John 15:11)
4. Maintains a good relationship with everyone (Proverbs 12:20)
5. Refuses to jump ahead God’s timing (Psalm 37:7)
6. Seeks to meet the practical needs of others. (Ephesians 4:32)
7. Stands for what is right (Romans 2:9-10)
8. Follows through and being faithful on God given responsibilities (Proverbs 9:10
9. Understand the importance of feelings and emotions-compassion to others (Colossians 3:12)
10. Flees temptation to compromise-refuses to be in situation that are sensual, immoral, or
impure.-just like Joseph (Provebs 25:28)
11. Man of prayer (Colossians 4:2)
12. Man of Devotion who keeps God’s words in his heart (Psalm 119:11)
13. A man who can guard his mouth (Proverb 5: 29)
14. Man with sensitive spirit (Galatians 5:22-23
15. A man who know how to pray (his prayer should be earnest, confident, personal and know with whom he talks to.)
16. His desires is to do God’s will (1 Tim 3:1)
17. Know how to communicate effectively (open, clear, listen, and respond)
18. A family man (1Tim 3:4-5)
19. A patient person ( James 1: 19-20)
20. Parental Approval (Proveb 13:1)

I didn't come up with the list. I got it from the books I read, mostly from I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Lady in Waiting. If you know Chris, you would agree that God has been good and faithful in answering every single one of my prayer. Yes, he is not perfect and has a lot of weaknesses but who doesn't? He won't marry me if he's perfect. He fears the Lord and seek to please Him above all else; for me, that's what matter the most. Got to go to sleep now my husband is waiting.
Picture courtesy of and can be found here

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