Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hooked Online

I was reading an article in BabyTalk magazine about the newest mom addiction: internet. As new mothers, they are so many things that draw us to the web - the ability to research and buy baby stuffs without leaving home; the ability to find answers for our questions, to share our baby pictures, videos and etc. Though the web can make our lives easier, it can also pull us away from what's important. Click here to read the whole article. The article has made cautious of how much time I spend in front of the computer. Upon reading that article, I turned off all the notification button on my Facebook account and be intentional of when I spend time in front of the computer and try to be online only when the kids are sleeping. As for blogging, I told Chris to let me know if he ever found it interfere our family life and I'll give it up in a second. As this mom wisely stated: " I never want to be so busy blogging about my life, that I don't have a chance to live it."

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