Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

May 25 was our 7th anniversary. I can’t believe it has been 7 years since our lives are joined together as one. 

Thank you for loving me; for being patient; and most of all thank you for sharing this journey of life with me, honey. I can’t imagine sharing it with anybody else. I love you!

God has been so good to us.  This year is even more special with Max's presence. What a creative God to make Max looks so much like his daddy. Every time I look at Max, I can't help but smile and give God thanks. I just looked back at our old pictures: when I was chubby; when Chris were chubby; when Chris had the surgery; when we were traveling; when we went on mission trips; when Max was just born.... God has truly blessed our family. I pray that "He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." - Philippians 1:6

Our Wedding Song:
Cherish The Treasure - Steve Green 

I cherish the treasure; the treasure of you 
Lifelong companion; I give myself to you 
God has enabled me to walk with you faithfully 
And cherish the treasure; the treasure of you

As I obey the Spirit's voice and seek to do His will 

I then can see the wisdom of His plan 
For as He works His will in me I then can love you selflessly 
And by His grace, can pledge my love to you

This sacred vow I make to you does not contain an "if" 
Though I'm aware that trials lie ahead 
I will love you and pray with you 
And through it all, I will stay with you 
Our home will be a refuge of unconditional love

Words and Music by Jon Mohr
(c) 1988 Birdwing Music/Jonathan Mark (admin. by
Birdwing Music)(ASCAP)

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