Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother's Day Sharing

I was asked to share at our church's Youth Fellowship about the thing I like best and least about being a mom. I told them it would only takes me 30 seconds to share that because except for the lack of sleep, I love everything about motherhood.
I love to be able to comfort my baby; to hear him laugh, giggle, or snore; to be able to hold, hug, and kiss him whenever I want; to see how Max and his daddy interact and laugh at each other. I even love the fact that I can change his diaper, clean his poop, wash his bottle, and wash his clothes.

I shared about my journey to motherhood. How as we waited upon God to answer our prayers for a child, we learned to yield our will and future on his hands; we learned to say "Yes, Lord" for whatever what God has planned for us. As we waited, we learned a lot about God and His amazing love for us. One of the lessons I learned was having a degree, career, husband, or child will not make my life complete. My life completes because I got Jesus.

One day, my kid will grow up, get married, and leave me. My parents and Chris will die someday. God is the only one who will never leave nor forsake me. Do we have relationship with God that will last through eternity?


  1. HEhe.. Bener tuh ki! Gw sampe skrg bobo ga bisa lbh dari 5 jam. Pasti ada aja 1 anak yg kebangun nangis2 minta maminya. Haha. Belon laghe kalo 1 bangun, yg 1 nya juga ikut2. ;) Tp semua ini hrs di enjoy ya. Ntar mrk uda pisah kamar, ato uda menikah, malah kita yg kepengen go through the "lack of sleep" again cos we miss them so much. Hehe.. ;)

  2. Iya... let's enjoy every moment :)
