Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all moms!

This is my first Mother's Day and I had a blessed one celebrating with the mommies in our church. The children choir sang well. Good job boys and girls! Joana even said that she was touched and cried a little bit. A lot of credit goes to Fonda. She did all the hard work while all I did was yapping. :P

I am not a "gift" person, who appreciate gifts so Chris wrote me a very nice card instead, which I loveeeee. Thank you for the lovely words and for the taking the time to write, hon.

Max was coughing that day so we didn't bring him to the nursery. Chris carried him inside the sanctuary to watch the children choir sing. He was singing a long - ok not really - he was babbling and clapping cheerfully like this, which makes daddy panicked because people started looking at him. Good thing Chris was able to quiet him down but he won't stop clapping his hands as the choir sing. :)

Below is the lyric of the song that the children choir sang. Max loves it when I sing him this song. I just changed the word "mother" to "Max-ie". :)

Lord, Bless My Mother

Lord, bless my mother
help her to know how much I love her and need her so

Lord, bless my mother help her to see
Without her love I wouldn't be me

May blessings be upon you precious mothers
May favor rest upon our family
May your future be a holy legacy

May blessing be upon you precious mothers

May God bless you in your coming

May He bless you in your going
May your heart be ever knowing the blessing of the Lord

My prayer is that when my kid grows up he can testify that: "his mom fears the Lord." - Proverbs 31:30

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