Monday, June 29, 2009

Lesson from Samson

I always love the way and the message Ci Mariani's preached.
Yesterday's sermon was about Samson from the book of Judges. From the Bible we learned that Samson was chosen by God to lead His people. He got a lot of talents, and one of them was his strength. Sadly, he doesn't have self control. We learned at least twice he slept with prostitute.
He relied on his own will, wisdom, and strength. He lives a compromised life even though he was the leader of the Israelite.

Keep in mind that our talent is given by God -> to serve Him more effectively
Holiness & Faithfulness = our act of obedience in following God -> this are the things that we should strive for.

We need to exercise our charisma/ gifts/ talents wisely.
Let God be the God and the driver of our lives!

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."
Psalm 20:7

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