Sunday, July 12, 2009


We did a lot of washing & cleaning today. Mostly camping stuff: tent, shoes, portable stoves, cooler, sleeping bags. After washing the tent, Chris decided to clean our upstairs front patio as well. We almost never step our feet there, because we don't use it for anything, so all this time it has been collecting dust and leaves. Our curious Max was standing and watching through the glass door the whole time daddy sprayed the patio.

Boy.. o boy... I can't describe how good it feels to see a clean patio. We used to live with a dusty patio too long that we forgot how nice it feels to have a clean one. Which reminded me to what I learned last week on my small group from this book:

Little and big, sins add up one selfish decision at a time; one misplaced priority at a time; one rebellion at a time. Soon we have a scary stockpile of sins that threatens to do us in. And in process, we've gotten off track with God, and His voice has become increasingly distant and unfamiliar.

God never winks at sin. And apart from God's intervention, we never escape its consequences. That's why the Bible clearly states that we have a continuing role and responsibility to deal with sin and to "cleanse ourselves."

A. Pray through and write your answer to ten questions below based on Galatians 5:19-21 below:

1. Lord, who do I need to forgive who has hurt me?
2. Who have I hurt?
3. Have I ever stolen anything from anyone?
4. Have I ever lied or purposefully misled anyone?
5. Have I ever purposefully gossiped about anyone?
6. Bring to my mind all sexual sins
7. Do I have envy or hatred in my heart?
8. Have I sinned with drugs, alcohol, or wild parties?
9. In your sight, have I sinned in anger and wrath?
10. Do I have selfish ambition, or am I divisive?

By this time, you're probably emotionally wrung out (which I was). That's to be expected-after all the Lord is taking you through spiritual heart surgery, and being "broken" is part of the process.

B.Confess to the Lord Each Sin

C. Restore anything affected by your sin
- Is there a blocked or soured relationship that you need to make right?
- A deception you can now address truthfully?

When a sin becomes no longer acceptable to you, you have a breakthrough with God.

The best way to stay clean is to make clean a way of life

"Beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit,
perfecting holiness in the fear of God." 1 Corinthians 7:1

1 comment:

  1. hahahaa Max liat Ko Chris bersiin patio sampe ngiler2... so cute!!!
