Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Celebrating Marital Love

I always love Carolyn Mahaney's messages. She is such a wise godly woman who always speak with authority from the Bible. Last night, I was listening to this message as I work on our finance (It sounds better than bills :)). Please note that the message is for married women only. If you are still single, you can save the link and the summary below for future reference. :)

Below is the summary of her message on Celebrating Marital Love:

-Sex is God’s idea. A woman honors God by cultivating a sexual desire for her husband, and by welcoming his desire for her. She teaches about six qualities a woman should develop as she pursues a passionate sexual relationship with her husband: attractiveness, availability,anticipation, attentiveness, aggressiveness, and adventure.

- Find out about our husband preferences. The most important of all that any husbands find attractive is wives who cultivate a meek and quiet spirit

- Most common problem that many wives experience is fatigue. Ask what changes we need to make in order to make "it" happen: sleep earlier, take a nap, exercise, do it at different time, etc... Be creative!-We may need to cut back our standard on areas that are lesser important for our husband. For example: our gourmet cooking, housekeeping standard, etc

- Make your husband a priority even over your children. Our children need to know that daddy and mommy are passionately in love with each other.

-Watch out for a seed of bitterness that will hinder us from having an intimate relationship with our spouse.

- Homework: Read the book Song of Solomon and take note of everything that the wife says about her husband.

I may miss some other important points. Go listen to the message yourself!

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