Monday, August 17, 2009

Letter to my baby

Before Max was born, my small group sisters kindly threw a baby shower for me. They came up with this idea of each person writing a birthday letter for Max for every year of his upcoming birthdays then they put it together in one notebook. Since there were 10 of them ( including Fonda, which unfortunately was away that day so she wasn't in the picture) Max is guaranteed to have a birthday letter 'till he's 10 years old. What a blessed boy! I had the privilege to write the introduction letter below. I'll post the first birthday letter next.

San Jose, CA
July 11, 2008

Dear my baby,
You are God's answer to our prayers. It has been an amazing journey as we wait & put our trust in the Lord. Truly, "He is the one who created you and put you in my womb. You are fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 138:13-14
We pray that God will grant us wisdom & love to raise you to be a man after His own heart. We want you to know that God loves you even more than anyone could ever love you, even us.
Our hope and prayers is that you will fear and obey Him all the days of your life; that you will read, meditate, and treasure His Words daily. - Joshua 1:8-9
We are so looking forward to meet you, baby. We can't wait to shower you with much love, hugs, and kisses. You are so blessed you know because there are so many people who love you and pray for you before you even born. You are surrounded by aunties, uncles, koko and cici who can't wait to cuddle and babysit you (at least that's what they said now)

We'll see you soon.

Much love,
Mom & Dad


  1. wuahhh ci kiki i cannot wait.... punya aku 2nd b'day :o) hihihihihi

  2. Yay... aku belon ngintip lho.
