Thursday, October 8, 2009

Visiting the Ostby in 2009 - Part 2

The Ostby's family live 10 minutes from Pismo beach, so after lunch, we went there for a walk

and to watch Nicko surfed

Joana & her extra large sun glasses :)

Due to her illness, Sue was no longer able to talk but that doesn't stop her from communicating with us. She use a small typing devises that way we still can "talk" with each other.

Max with the famous Hachiko

This is acting of course...

Sue wasn't able to go down the beach so Dana, Sue, & Karis stayed at the pier while the rest of us played with the sand and water.

Group pictures

Then it's time to say " 'Till we meet again."

We're so blessed to be able to know this wonderful family. The trip & support gifts were probably cost us the same amount if we go to Disneyland. The different is not only we're having fun, but our heart & faith too was refreshed & challenged. They love Indonesia so much and long for the Indonesians to know and worship the one and true God who loves us so much and willing to give up His Son to die for us so that we may live! They are not angry at God for letting their mom and wife to suffer such a painful illness but instead they let God be God and continue to faithfully pray, trust, and worship Him. We give God thanks and pray for them. Please remember them in your prayers too.

"My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:26

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