Thursday, November 19, 2009

1 Samuel 1

I moved my quiet time to noon as I watch Max putting himself to sleep. I sit and read my Bible on the chair next to his bed. This afternoon, I wept as I read through 1 Samuel 1. This is the passage where I go back again and again on the past when Chris and I were waiting upon the Lord to grand our request for a child.
I wept because I now can see how God has been loving, faithful, and merciful to us.
I wept because I now realized how much our faith and character has grown as we wait
I wept because not only we have experienced the power of prayer, we experience the love and support from our family and friends, and above all we experience God Himself.
I wept because through waiting I can testify that only God can satisfy me.
I wept for many of my friends who are still waiting to be able to hold their own child.
I pray for each one of them that they experience God's love and mercy.

"Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD."
Psalm 27:14

I remember this poem that I post on my cube in the office back when I was still working:

Drawn To His Heart
By Roy Lessin

The God you trusted in the past is the One who’s faithful still.
Trust Him now, with all your heart, to be working out His will.
There’s nothing that you’re facing which takes Him by surprise – All the things concerning you have not escaped His eyes

His hand has been your covering through every circumstance.
Everything will work for good; nothing is by chance.
Let your faith abide in Him just like a mustard seed,
And you will find His promise true to meet your every need.

Wait on God to do His work in His perfect time and way.
The answer may seem slow just now, but He will not delay.
One day you’ll see the wisdom that lead you from the start was given by your Fathers’ love to draw you to His heart


  1. *hugs* thanks for pouring out your beautiful heart in writing.

  2. Love to read every corner of your blog.. what an incredible blessing you are!!!.. Love you!!..

  3. @Vanini: *hugs back tightly* :)
    Ci Lily: Thank you for being my inspiration! Love u too!!!
