Saturday, December 19, 2009

Budi Soehardi is honored by CNN as one of the Top Ten Heroes of 2009

I blog about him earlier this year here. Just found out that he has a blog.
Guess what was the most common sentence I find on his blog? "Praise The Lord." :)
And O.. I got this quote below from his blog as well:

"It is not always money that we are sharing with others but your time, energy,
and most importantly your love to others.

Your idea can be an idea that can cure a potential floods
or anything which endangering the society.

Your knowledge and time can help the little ones to do well in math or any other subjects.
Maybe through your expertise in music you can create the new Beethoven or Mozart;
Maybe with your expertise on farming can create a child from a remote place to be
the person who will give a way to overcome food shortage in the world.
The time is now to be a helping hand to others and not to wait any longer.
Start small and start now. " Budi Soehardi

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