Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you for praying for Max. In case you are wondering, I did go to the retreat on Thursday while Max & Chris stayed at home. We thought it would be better for Max to stay at home and rest rather than spreading his virus to other kids. I had to go on Thursday because I was assigned to teach the nursery kids that night.
Thanks to Fonda's family who invited Max & Chris to their family dinner, my hubby and son were able to eat delicious Thanksgiving meals & enjoy the companion of a loving family. Chris and Max then joined me at the retreat the next day.

Here is the list of things that I'm thankful for - not in particular order:
  • God, Jesus, & Holy Spirit, the One who give me reason, strength, peace & joy to live.
  • Hubby, the leader of the family, the love of my life, the handyman who can fix anything.
  • Max, my noisy, smiley, and lovely 'kaypoh' kid, who brought so much joy into our life
  • Friends: new & old friends, mommies friends, family friends, mentors & my dear small group sisters.
  • Neighbors: my next door neighbors, next block neighbor, and friends who live close by.
  • Family
  • Church to worship, fellowship, serve, and grow.
  • Max's loving aunties & uncles + his cute little friends
  • The privilege to stay at home to nurture & watch my kid grow. I don't miss anything.
  • The ability to cook and do other household chorus. I'm grateful to be able to serve my family.
  • The ability to give and share what God has entrusted to us
  • Health
  • Chris' job
  • Home
  • The ability to read
  • Good books
  • Library
  • Internet: what would we do without internet? we get direction, find good restaurant to eat, find recipes, search bible verses, google things, blog, etc
  • The Bible
  • Coffee
  • Online sermon
  • The recession, which reminded us to cling and depend on God.
  • The amenities of living in the US. Sure we don't have maid, driver, nanny, or cook but we have: clean air, running water, electricity that very rarely goes out, moving traffic, modern appliances, access to medical care, safety, education, resources, ...

"Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever."
1 Chronicles 16:34


  1. happy thanksssgivingggg :) i thank God for your family :) for being so wonderfully nice :)

  2. We are thank God for you too, sweet sister & auntie.
