Monday, January 11, 2010

Monkey Trap

I don't remember who told me about the way people in Asia catch monkeys without causing them any harm. Rather than re-telling the story, I found someone already blog about it. You may want to read about it here before reading the rest of the post.

One day, I was about to give Max his milk. As usual, I gave him his milk bottle for him to hold on while I took out the milk jar from the fridge. Instead of giving me back the bottle, Max ran to the living room to play with the bottle. So I continued washing the dishes while Max was playing with his milk bottle. Not long afterward, I heard his frustrated scream. So I ran to the living room to find this:

He put his gold fish snack inside the bottle

Then he can't get his hand out as his chubby fist, which was holding on the snack, can't go through the narrow opening.

But my baby is smarter than those monkeys. He finally figured out that he has to let go the snack to be able to remove his hand from the bottle.


  1. Hahaha, you silly baby!!! Pinternya anak Mamah Gigi. Iseng sihhh.

  2. oh man! i wish i was there hahahaha :D good job baby! :)

  3. hahahahaha... ia ni.. i wish i was there.. lucu banget...

  4. kasiaannn mukanya frustrated gituuhh...

  5. Silly baby... =) Aunty Yeye kangen bngt nih... =)

  6. Hahaha mukanya lucu banget, Ki!!!! How fun!!!!

  7. iya emang ini anak iseng banget
