Thursday, January 14, 2010

One Step Further

My good friend Santi was giving the message on English Service two weeks ago. Santi is currently going to seminary part time after work and during the weekend. On top of that, she's practically the youth minister at our church. She is amazing! I'm so blessed and honor to have her as my sister. Thank you for your obedience and love to the Lord and His people, San. We love you!

Santi, Joan, and me inside the giant "wok" @ Urbana'03
That morning, Santi challenged us to yield our life and time for God to use it as He pleases. She share about the time when she took a 1/2 day off from work. She originally planned to spend it to catch up her reading assignment for her class, but then her phone rang. A friend desperately wanted Santi to come by to care & pray for her. She went with heavy heart; her friend's place was quite far from her place, in addition, she has to pick up her dad from work in an hour. Long story short, she went to her friend's place, brought some food, listened to her struggles & worries, then prayed for her. She left 15 minutes before her dad got off from work. Normally with traffic it would take her 45 minutes to get to her dad's office, but God cleared up the way, she arrived just seconds before her dad came out of the door.

From there, she goes on to her message taken from Exodus 32:1-4

Lesson to learn from this passage:
1. Yield our time to God. It's not our time, it's His time!
2. The Israelite couldn't see Moses, their leader, so they turned to make themselves an idol. What is the "idol" that kept us from following God? Our career, GPA, friends, parents, spouse, .....?
3. There will be times when the culture and people around us: family or friend go against us as we follow God (which reminded me of David' story on 1 Samuel 17:28).
We have to read and know God's Words that way we will be able to stand firm.

In every moment in our life, let's use it for His Glory. There's an unspeakable joy that comes from yielding our life to God.

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

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