Monday, March 29, 2010

Make Us Laugh

We just stepped out from the grocery store when we saw a big round moon on the sky.
I pointed my finger to the moon and then tell Max, "Max, look! It's moon."
Then Max pointed his finger to the moon and say, "Ball"

I had a fever last week and had a hard time getting up from nap.
Max was up and ready to go so he gave me a kiss on the cheek (one of his ways to wake me up).
The next thing I saw was him touching his lip and say, "hot"

Family Picture
I showed Max our family picture.

Me: "Who is this Max?" (pointing at his picture)
Max: "Baby"

Me: "Who is this Max?" (pointing at Chris' picture)
Max: "Papa"

Me: "Who is this Max?" (pointing at my picture)
Max: "Kiki"
Me: *puzzled* "Mama dear... mama...."

Our Giant Parrot:

Watching NCAA Basketball


  1. Mamah, Maxie lucu banged sih. Lagi hari Minggu juga lucu, pas tungguin Mamah choir. Kan Maxie maen sama Aunty dan Papah di Nursery. Trus ada stuffed animals: Whale, Panda, and Monkey.

    Aunty: "Max, what is this?" (pointing at the Whale)

    Maxie, "Fisssssssssh"

    Aunty: "Good job! How about this? This is Pan-da. What is this, Max?"

    Maxie: "Da."

    Aunty: (Koq di-discount ngomongnya. Jadi aku jailin). "Max, ini Fon-?" (pointing at the Panda)

    Maxie: "Da." HAHAHAHA (trus ga lama Papah juga isenging serupa). Maaf Aunty Bondaaaaa. Cup cup muach muach.

    Hmm .. the last one was the Monkey joke. Monk-key jadi Ki-key. Opsssssssssss. Maaf, Mamah. :-) Aunty ngajarinnya koq ga bener yah? Di ban aku nanti. Papah ga nakal koq. Dia ga ikutan pas Monkey joke. Opsss.

  2. lucu.. Kiki instead of mama... =) mungkin dia anggep cici "best friend" jd ga usah pake mama2 lg... =)

  3. hikss hikssss....di-bully aunty Yanny.....

    iyaahhh kmaren ini di mobil aku jg tried to ajarin nama aku

    F : Nana
    M : Nana
    F : Yeye
    M : Yeye
    F : San san
    M : Tan tan
    F : Fonda
    M : Da
    F : Fon
    M : Da

    -.- sooooo aunty Fonda gave up. Tunggu kamu gedean yah Max!

    Thanks for sharing, ci Kiki. Aku ketawaan geli ngebayanginnya =)

  4. aahhh... ajarin nama aku juga dong =p

  5. Lucunya Ki, Max bilang "Hot!" hahaha.
