Thursday, March 18, 2010

19 Months Max

"And the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor with the LORD and with men."
1 Samuel 2:26

The above verse reminded me to focus on nurturing what is really matter: his character.

Compassion and gentleness:

Max loves baby and like to gently pat and kiss them. Baby Courtney was the first baby that he hold and since then he has been asking to hold baby whenever he sees one.
Whenever he hears baby cries, he will grab mine or the mom's hand to comfort the baby

I think having a limited number of toys encourage him to be creative. *at least that's what mommy like to think*. For example: he came up with the idea of using the basketball net as stove :)

He loves it whenever we have guests coming over and he's getting better at sharing his toys. Good job, son!

Joyfulness and enthusiasm:
Need a little pick me up? Come by our home and hang out with Max! Guaranteed he'll cheer you up *or at least make you exercise and forget about your problem/ fatigue*. :)


Like his mommy & daddy, Max need to work on his patience and self-control.
Lately, he learned that when he slips or falls, we would give him attention and ask, "Are you okay?" So whenever he doesn't get his way, he would throw himself on the ground to get our attention. Being a smart little boy, he carefully choose soft grounds such as his play mat or sofa instead of our hardwood floor. :)

Obedience & Diligence:
Max understand and can follow simple instruction: wait, stop, no, go, stay, yes, wave, hug, kiss, etc... He loves to be involved and help out 'till the work is done. And mommy surely appreciate the help. Thank you, dear! We love you!!!


  1. cici... thank you for the monthly update..
    ahhh... kangen ni... ntah kapan bisa berkunjung =)
    hug and kisses for maxieee...

  2. Maxie ngegemesin ih. Aunty enjoys reading your monthly "reports" lho. Love you, Baby.
