Be Proud of Your Calling
By Nancy Campbell
As you nurture and teach your children each day,
Discipline, train and watch over their play,
May your heart fill with joy and overflow with love,
That God gave you these ‘gifts’ from heaven above.
You shape the nation; you determine its course,
Your mothering’s not wasted; it’s a great mighty force!
Lift up your head; be proud of your calling,
It is work for eternity – totally enthralling.
It takes all of your energy to be a mother and wife;
It requires daily commitment and a disciplined life,
It demands all your resources of patience and love,
Long-suffering and wisdom from heaven above.
Your sweet, gentle spirit is precious in God’s sight,
As you serve in your home with all of your might.
You are revealing the spirit of Jesus the King
Who showed by example to serve in everything.
May God’s presence be with you in mighty measure
As you train your ‘arrows’ for God’s purpose and pleasure.