Monday, May 10, 2010

Exploring Homeschooling - Part 1

Chris and I got chance to go to a homeschooling conference last weekend. Thanks to The Prasetyas and their mom who kindly offered to take care of Max.

Before I share about what we learned, I want to share about our journey to the point of exploring homeschooling. Being a homemaker is a new idea for me let alone homeschooling. I didn't grow up in a Christian home; my grandma was the only Christian adult in the house. O how I thank God for her. Since both of my parents were not Christians, they weren't familiar with Biblical values and principles. I was raised with the idea that women ought to be independent of their men; they must contribute financially otherwise they won't be respected by their men; and staying at home is waste of one's talents, time, energy, and so on...

'Till I was in junior high, I joined small group at church lead by a wonderful godly lady, Ci Resa. She was just graduated from a university in the U.S. and was engaged to be married to her fiance then. Her dream was to be a homemaker when she has kids. "Really?" "Why?" I asked her. She then explained her reasons - which I forgot now but through her, I grasped the idea of what a woman after God's own heart looks like. One day during our small group, Ci Resa shared about her turning down a promotion to be her VP's right hand because the position require her to travel alone with him. She thought it won't be wise for her and her relationship. She turned down a lot of money and a high position.

Throughout the years afterward. God continue to work in my heart. He sent me away from home to pursue further education, where I got to see how warm loving functioning Christian families look like. I also learned from the Bible & Christian books about God's wonderful plan and role for women.

In her book, Let Me Be a Woman, Elizabeth Elliot wrote, in order to learn what it means to be a woman we must start with the One who made her. In Genesis 2:20, after God created the earth, the plants, the animals, for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. So God created a woman. Man was not made from woman, but woman from man.

" We are called to be women. The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman. For I have accepted God's idea of me, and my whole life is an offering back to Him of all that I am and all that He wants me to be."

Then I met Chris; before we even began courtship he asked, "When I have kids, I want my wife to stay at home to raise them, not a nanny or daycare. Is that something in your mind?" By then I already embrace the idea of being a homemaker so I answered "Yes."

To be continued...

Related Posts:
Exploring Homeschooling - Part 2
Exploring Homeschooling - Part 3


  1. Continue, please ... aduh Ki, lagi seru2 baca, tau2 to be continued hahaha. Ga nyadar I was already at the end of the posting.

  2. Wow, Chris had the idea of a wife who stayed home with his kids since the beginning of the relationship ya. Share juga dong how and why Chris had that in mind.

  3. Thank you, Van. I'm working on the next part :)
    Iya... because his mom is a stay at home mom and he really appreciate her hard work, sacrifice, and the fact that he can always count on her to be there for him and the family.

  4. Thanks for the sharing... You're such an inspiration, ki. ;) Max is so blessed to have you. And of course, your hubby too, shld be grateful for such a godly wife - who can do almost everything! ;)

  5. @Astrid: I am the blessed one. My hubby is so patient dealing with his-so-far-from-perfect-wife. I am also blessed with godly mentors and wonderful friends like u who inspired me to be a better person, wife, & mother. :)
