Monday, June 14, 2010

Anniversary Trips

We just got back from our anniversary trip to Sequoia National Park. Thank God for safe and fun trip. I'm originally not an outdoor fan { I'm probably still not} but I always remember one of the fondness memory I had with my dad was when we walked hand in hand going across a big river in a village in Indonesia. And most memorable memories I have with friends were when we hike or camp together {remember the Zion river hike, sisters}? :)) So that's the reason why I embrace the outdoor although I still dislike the bug, dirt, and soreness that comes afterward.

Our anniversary pictures throughout the years:
1st anniversary:

We had lunch at Napa historical train then went for a mud bath afterward, such a memorable and fun experience.

2nd anniversary:
We went to Zion, Bryce, and Arches National Park in Utah. We started to pray for a child then but in His perfect timing, God chose to trust us with Max four years afterward.

3rd anniversary:
We were busy helping Joan & Dien San preparing their wedding that we forgot about our anniversary. 

4rd anniversary:

We went to Monterey Bay Aquarium followed by easy hike at Point Lobos

5th anniversary:

We went abroad this time: Rocky Mountains, Canada

I was 6 months pregnant with Max. We just went out to eat somewhere...
We also just went out to eat somewhere I guess... I totally forgot. You see I have a very short term memory

And this year celebrating our 8th anniversary:

"In the covenant of marriage, God asks two self-willed sinners to come together and become one flesh - not in body only, but in spirit, in attitude, in communication, in love. It takes years and a very high price for two self-willed sinners to submit one another, serve one another joyfully, to honor one another, to edify one another - it's a lifetime challenge." Bill Hybels on his book: Fit To Be Tied


  1. Congratulations, Mamah Papah. Loving the transformation photos. :-) You looked like middle schooler, Mamah, in the first photo. :-) And thattt is a compliment.

  2. @Irene: I thought you know dear. Ntik aku e-mail ya.
    @Yanny: TQ! :)

  3. Mau dong linknya, email me too ya.

    Congratulations on your 8th anniversary, Kiki, you looked as smiley and as beautiful throughout your anniversaries.

    I especially loved the 5th in Canada, I remember the pictures :)

  4. Happy 8th anniversary! it's so sweet to see your year-by-year anniversary photos. Now I regret not doing so.... this year my husband and I will be celebrating our 8th anniversary as well, 22 june *_*. I had planned to write but kept putting off. Maybe after the school holidays and kids are back at school and I will hv more time on my hands.
    A big hug for Max.

    from: Singapore

  5. Vanini: TQ! I sent you the link through your e-mails ya.
    @Anonymous: Happy anniversary to you too! Every year is a milestone to celebrate and give thanks indeed.
