Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just the two of us

Usually, we have 5 people to join us in cooking and serving the food at the homeless shelter but last month no one else was available to help out. It was July 4th, the U.S. independent days weekend. We prayed and decided we should still go just the two of us; cooking the usual meals that the people love so much: Steam Rice, Asian BBQ Chicken and Stir Fried Veggie.

So while Max was having fun at auntie Nana's place, mommy and daddy were busy cooking for 50+ hungry people:

The ingredients:

The cooking process:

Usually we're done with cooking 30+ minutes before the serving time. This time, we are done just before the staff opened the door for the people to come. It's all due to His grace.

We learned our lesson that day: how things can be done so much quicker and easier with 5 people instead of 2. Plus, if we have more than enough people, some of us can sing praise while other serve like last time. So my lovely friends, please join us next month. :)

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: 
If one falls down, his friend can help him up... A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12


  1. Wow, man, cooking for 50+ people, just the two of you ... serving date with hubby :)

  2. Ci Kikiii, I wish I were there =))

  3. We wish you were here too, sister. :)
