Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Letter to My 2 Years Old

Dearest my Son,
You are TWO now. My small helpless babe has grown into an exuberant, super silly, and creative 2 years old.  How time flies – I know I said this many times.  Max-ie boy, mama want you to know how I love and take joy of taking care and spending time with you 24/7 – except for the time the lovely aunties and uncles babysit you. :) Although there were times like today when you decided to disobey us, pee on your pants instead on the potty, play with your food, and so on; I thank God for those moments which reminded me to be on my knee, asking God to give me wisdom, patience, and joy. I can’t thank God and your daddy enough for allowing me to be home with you.

I love the way you snuggle with me before you fall asleep.
I love watching you smile, laugh, and sing. Every day you never fail to amaze and amuse us.
I love watching you doing silly move and hearing you say silly things.
I love washing your bottom and potty for I know soon you will grow up and won’t need me to do those things anymore.
And my favorite is to hear you say, "Mama, I U!" (= Mom, I love you)

From a baby who can barely move and cry to get what you want; you now can:
- Eat and clean up your toys all by yourself.
- “Help” mama cleaning the house, cooking, baking, gardening and many other things
- Pick up, take off, and put your shoes back on the rack.
- Climb onto everything: the stairs, dining chair, and our bed then sneak in between us.
- Tell us what to do: "bobok" (= to sleep), "duduk" ( = sit down), "minum piss" ( = drink please), etc
- Name most of the animals: elephant, bird, alligator, snake, monkey, sheep, fish, cat, dog, hippo, rhino, frog, etc.  And say how they sound:
- Recognize and call on the names of many people
- Know most of the alphabets & can count up to ten although you often skip # 7 and 8

Max-ie boy, you will never be the boy with the most or latest toys and clothes. But know that God and us always love you. And there are many other people who love you and keep you in their prayers.  One thing we promise is to try our best to nurture you in the Lord with His guidance and Words; and to do our best to give you our time, energy, and attention.

Love you so much,
Your Mom


  1. So sweet and true, Kiki. Thanks for sharing your heart and prayer for Max, it blesses my heart.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Ci.. What a beautiful blessing.

  3. @Nana... kok aku jadi terharu jg ya :P
    @Vanini & Vicky: Thank you!!! Your comments bless my heart too *hugs*
