Monday, September 6, 2010

Jehovah Jireh - My Provider

I owe this post to God. I don't know why I kept postponing in writing this. Maybe because this is about money and I'm not comfortable talking about it... maybe because I don't want people to judge me (but I already put myself for others to judge me when I put this blog for public :P) or think that I'm boasting... but God reminded me that I need to write this to give Him the glory and credit that He deserves. So here we go...

The other day during our mommies small group, one of the moms shares how she worried about their family tight budget once she leave the workforce to take care of her child full time. God then reminded me that I need to share how He provides for us.

I was 5 months pregnant with Max when my boss called me to his office. Sensing that I won't come back to work once I had kid, he offered a raise. "You don't need to answer now just think about it," he said
A week later he called me again I thank him and told him that we really appreciate his thought and kindness but as for now... it's better to assume I won't comeback working full time.

Anyway... fast forward to April 2010, it was time for us to file our yearly tax. I used to work as tax accountant and one of the ritual that our office does every year is to get rid of financial docs beyond 3 years old. The IRS won't check your records beyond 3 years unless you lied about your income, then they can go back up to 7 years. As I went through my old files when both of us still work, I looked at our credit card statements. Lo and behold, our monthly expense then was 40% higher than our current monthly expense. Sure there are some changes in our spending habit/ lifestyle but still I found it interesting because both Chris and I were not spenders then and we always hear people say having baby cost a lot of money, right?
It was then that I felt God speaks, "Kiki, You see how I provide..."
I cried as I shred the old financial documents and praise God for His providence.

To close this post, I want to share a verse that God gave me this morning during my quiet time:
"Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have." Hebrews 13: 5

May this be an encouragement


  1. yes! God is so good! He thinks of us through and through! thank you for the verse, Kiki! :)

  2. Thank you for your sweet & encouraging comment, sister. :)
