Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Secret to Healthy Body

I have been using this book for my devotional lately:

It helps me find God's wisdom and instruction that I often miss when I read the book of Proverbs on my own

For instance this is what we read today:
"Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones." Proverbs 3:7-8

The author wrote:
Generally, those who live healthy lives will be humble and teachable. They will fear God and thereby depart from sin. Those who are wise in their own eyes are the unteachable ones. They are unwilling to hear the voice of God speaking through the Bible. They are self-sufficient in their own minds-that is, they are absolutely sure they know everything about everything, because unless one knows everything about everything, one cannot be confident he know anything about anything. Can you imagine the sort of pride it takes to claim that you know everything about everything?

Now, I know why Nana rarely get sick. :)

Questions for family discussion:
a. What does it mean to be wise in your own eyes?
b. Do we fear the Lord in this family?