Below is our version for future reference adapted from the original by
2-3 Days Before Leaving:
- Make/ revise 'Packing', 'To Do', and 'What To Buy Before The Trip' List
- Clean House and Empty Car (if car is used)
- Laundry
- Pay bills
- Return or extend library books/ movies
- Find a book for the trip
- Charge camera batteries + empty memory card.
- Last minute shopping for the trip
- Get some cash for the trip!
1 Day Before
- Pack
- Charge cell phone
- Double check travel documents, Print out map, schedule, hotel confirmation, etc...
- Get fruit, drink, and snack for the trip
- Bake some bread for the trip
- Wash dishes
- Set up timer for light
- Set utomatic feeder for fishes
Day of Trip:
- Water the plants
- Pick up around the house
- Toss perishable food from fridge
- Take out trash
- Double check the packing list
- Set thermostat
- Turn off/ unplug electronic stuff: oven, computer, rice cooker, water boiler, etc...