Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Before The Trip Check List

One day coming back from a trip, we were greeted by stinky smell. Turned out: we forgot to take the garbage out before we left. Having this Before The Trip Check List has been very helpful for us.

Below is our version for future reference adapted from the original by

2-3 Days Before Leaving:
- Make/ revise 'Packing', 'To Do', and 'What To Buy Before The Trip' List
- Clean House and Empty Car (if car is used)
- Laundry
- Pay bills
- Return or extend library books/ movies
- Find a book for the trip
- Charge camera batteries + empty memory card.
- Last minute shopping for the trip
- Get some cash for the trip!

1 Day Before
- Pack
- Charge cell phone
- Double check travel documents, Print out map, schedule, hotel confirmation, etc... 
- Get fruit, drink, and snack for the trip
- Bake some bread for the trip
- Wash dishes
- Set up timer for light
- Set utomatic feeder for fishes

Day of Trip:
- Water the plants
- Pick up around the house
- Toss perishable food from fridge
- Take out trash
- Double check the packing list
- Set thermostat
- Turn off/ unplug electronic stuff: oven, computer, rice cooker, water boiler, etc...

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