Monday, December 6, 2010


My mom likes Cinnabon a lot but I find it too sweet to my taste. I was glad to find the recipe from The Pioneer Woman that way make one with much less sugar. So happy when my friends allowed me to make this for a Thanksgiving Gathering.

The ingredients

The dough

The risen dough after 1 1/2 hours

The process of preparing the dough

I asked Chris, "Do you want to take pictures or roll the dough?" And he chose the later. He's one special man indeed. So glad I marry him. :)

Leave the dough for 1 hour or ... if you made this during a freezing cold day like we did; turn the oven on at 350 F for one minute, turn it off, then put the dough in the oven.

Voila! You got a risen dough in 30 minutes or so.

The original recipes yield 7 pans of Cinnabons - that's A LOT or "So much" Max said 

Pour the icing and that's it!
The best time to eat cakes/ bun/ cookies is when they just came out from the oven. Yum!!!

Cinnabon Recipe 
Adapted from the Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Rolls
This recipe is half of the original recipe. It's still too much for us. We usually eat 1/3 and give away the rest to friends/ coworkers/ neighbors.

The bun:
2 cup Whole Milk
1/2 cup Vegetable Oil
1/2 cup Sugar
1 packages Active Dry Yeast
4 cups (Plus 1/2 Cup Extra, Separated) All-purpose Flour
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1 ts Salt
about 1/2 cups of Melted Butter
1 cups Sugar
Generous Sprinkling Of Cinnamon

The Icing:
1 cup of Powdered Sugar - room temperature
1/2 cup of corn starch
1/2 melted stick butter
1 ts vanilla extract
1/2 package of 8 ounce cream cheese
1/2 stick butter, softened
1/4 brewed coffee
1/4 whole milk
1/8 ts salt

Preparation Instructions
The bun
- Heat the milk, oil and sugar in a pan. Bring the mixture until just before the boiling point while stirring.
- Turn off heat and leave to cool 45 minutes to 1 hour. When the mixture is lukewarm to warm, but NOT hot, sprinkle in the yeast. Let sit for a minute.
- Then stir in 4 cups of all-purpose flour. Mix well. Cover and let rise for at least an hour.
- After the dough is rising, add 1 more cup of flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir the mixture together.
- Sprinkle rolling surface generously with flour. Take half the dough and form a rectangle. Then roll the dough thin, maintaining a general rectangular shape. Spread about 1/4 cup melted butter over the dough. Then sprinkle 1 cup of sugar over the butter followed by cinnamon.
Optional: add chocolate chips/ raisins
- Begin rolling the dough in toward you. Then pinch the seam of the roll to seal it.
- Spread  melted butter in a seven inch round foil cake or pie pan. Then begin cutting the rolls approximately 1 inch thick and laying them in the pan.
- Let the rolls rise for about an hour, then bake at 375 degrees until light golden brown, about 20 minutes.

The icing:
For the frosting, mix together with an electronic mixer all ingredients listed and stir well until smooth. Taste and adjust as needed. Drizzle over the warm rolls.


1 comment:

  1. Kiki, you are very inspiring. Spirit of dilligence and learning. Jadi pengen nyoba :)
