Wednesday, January 12, 2011

24 Weeks Baby W

Hi Baby,
You're about 26 weeks now.
We finally found the name for you. Yay!!! 

Mommy, daddy, and Koko Maxie can't wait to see and shower you with much kisses and hugs. 
What a previous gift from God you are. Baby, mommy wants you to know that you are very special because God created you. You know, we have been praying for a second child and God in His perfect timing answered our prayers by entrusting you in our life. 
What a good God we have! We hope and pray that you will grow knowing and loving Him. 
O boy, you are so active baby just like your big brother. You keep mommy awake at night with your kicking and somersault. 
Keep growing and kicking, baby. We'll see you in about 14 weeks. 
Love you so much!

Brotherly Kiss

Brotherly Hug

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