Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Grace Filled Trip - Part 3

Coming back from our trip, I got chance to reflect and write down God's blessing unto us throughout the trip:

Thank God for a safe trip and great weather. 
It was raining in San Diego for 5 days in the row before we came.

Thank God for protecting us from a scam. We were going to rent a vacation home instead of staying in three different hotel rooms since we traveled with 5 other friends with 2 kids. We rent a vacation home twice in the past and like the fact that we can be together, do laundry, cook, etc. When we were almost ready to sign the contract but then this "home owner" asked us to pay through wire transfer or cashier check instead of through pay pal or credit card.

We started to feel suspicious. Then in the contract, she gave us the address of the house. I googled the address and turned out the house was on short sale. She could have take the pictures from the real estate website, put it on the vacation home website, collected the money, and be gone. So we decided to pass on the house and go with hotel instead. It was a very nice hotel with good price too thanks to good deal at 

Thank God for Max' speedy recovery and for him being good throughout the 16 hours round trip. No screaming or walling even though he was not still not in his best condition. Good job, Maxie boy!

Thank God for wonderful friends who always there to pray and help.

Thank God for a husband who fear the Lord.

Thank God for no more bleeding or bed rest and for the healthy kicking baby inside me

Thank God for the opportunity to see the Ostby family again

Thank God for Jesus, who gives us the reason to live!

"O taste and see that the Lord is good; 
How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!
O fear the Lord, You His saints; 
For to those who fear Him there is no want."
Psalm 34:8-9

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