Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nursing Cover

When I was pregnant with Max, my lovely friends: Regina and Ci Lily gave me a pretty Hooter Hiders nursing cover, which was so useful at times when I was nursing Max. One day I found this nursing cover tutorial online and I asked my pregnant friend, Elisse, if she would like me to sew one for her. 
She answered, " Yes please." So off I went sewing:

The Process:

Per her request, I made this nursing cover 6 inches wider than the original size. 

I cut an unused towel then sew a little pocket at the bottom corner on the backside.

I waited 'till the last minute to work on this project. As a result, I have to work when Max is awake and would like to sew along with me. 

The result

The towel pocket can be used for her to put in breast pad or pacifier and/ or use it to wipe Baby R mouth.

Then I wrapped the nursing cover as part of her devotional diaper cake

So happy when I read her e-mail after she got this:
LOVE the breasfeeding cover
Love it 
Love it 
Love it
Thank you so much sis!
You are sooo handy!!!
Like handy manny =D, but the female version" 


  1. You're such a talented mommy! I can really see the proverbs 31 woman in you. ;) God bless you dear as you bless the people around you.

  2. What a blessing to have such a thoughtful friend like you!

  3. TQ! I'm blessed to have friends like you guys too :)

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  6. Baguss Ci!!! Order satu yah laen kali hehehe :)

  7. Wah Kikiooo..
    What a privilege! Kagak tau ternyata kamu post di blog toh.. jadi malu.. hihihii.. Thank you so much sis for such a wonderful gift! Moga2 ASI-nya banyak ya dan baby R 'thirsty' all the time, biar chubby Michelin kayak cici Jasmine. Thank you Max udah bantuin mama!

  8. I love it too!!!!

    You are so coooool, Ki!
