Monday, February 21, 2011

Changes in Blog

I'm so sad when I read the announcement that my favorite missionary blogger won't be blogging anymore. Her writing has been such an inspiration and blessing for me these past 2 years but I can understand her decision. Anyway, she got me thinking. You may notice that I've been writing less as I reflect and pray for God's direction for this area (blogging) of my life. As I prayed, God reminded me about my theme for this year: "More of Him and Less of Me." Much as I love blogging; I don’t live for this…I live for God. And I blog as one of the ways to serve Him by being a blessing for others.

For the sake of accountability; this is what you can expect to find on this blog from this day forward:
- Faith and Inspiration: What God is teaching us through His Words, prayers, others, and experience.
- Recipe
- Sewing Projects
- Personal Finance: I haven't written much about this but I plan to write more on money management and simple/ frugal living
- Works For Us: Yanny has this tips category on her blog, which I found to be useful. We no longer buy the expensive lactose free milk thanks to her post here.
- Life: I will still share about our family and Max daily silly story just not as much as I did on the past. I want to serve, enjoy, and cherish every moment without feeling the need to blog about everything we are doing, going, or learning. 

What you won't find here: posts on the latest technology (have you seen my phone?), fashion (I don't know what is the latest trend these days. I only buy clothes when my old ones wear out), car (this is obvious since we own a-16-going-to-be-17-years-old-car), politic, movies, latest news, and so much more. 

"We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly"  Romans 12:6

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