Monday, February 14, 2011

One Thousand Gifts

I'm so grateful that I started the list of my one thousand gifts - watching, recording, and naming all the sweet little gifts that God bestows each and every day - two weeks ago.
I found myself smiling and rejoicing instead of complaining last week when:
Chris injured his ankle when he was playing basketball. Then we found out our water tank leaked and got to be replaced. In addition, our kitchen faucet broke and as a result I got to wash our dishes in the bathroom - not so fun with my big belly and back pain. 
No wonder apostle Paul told us to: "Not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

My list of one thousand gifts continues as I give thanks for:
14. Our good friend P just got a job offer after his contract ended months ago. 
15. For the F family who just sold their house
16. For Otis and 7 other guys who volunteer at the homeless shelter last week that way we can take a break and got:
17. Time to spend together as family to enjoy the great weather, the outdoor, and each other's presence.
18. God's Living Words that continually remind me of His love
19. For my husband's prayer of appreciation and gratefulness of having me.
20. For hands on hubby who is able to move the bed to the other room all by himself
21. Elisse & Ricky's Baby R who was able wait until the grandparents arrive and born in God's perfect timing.
Watched Kati Kim's story on ABC 20/20 last Friday night. Our heart and prayers goes to her and her family. 
22. I'm reminded not to take for granted and give God thanks for the roof in our head; the meal that we eat; and clothes to keep us warm. 
23. For good books courtesy of the library
24. Good coffee
25. Running water
26. Working dishwasher
27. Kind and helpful friends: Otis for helping us replaced the water tank and Nana for babysitting Max so I can clean up while Chris attempted to fix the kitchen faucet. 
28. Since Chris mentioned that we had to replace our water tank; I brought this in prayers since it's quite expensive. Little by little I see how God miraculously provide and brought the cost down. He is good!

I'll close this post with this picture of our bathroom turned to kitchen sink, where I managed to wash our dishes while the kitchen faucet is broken =)

"Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." John 16:15

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