Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Small Group Getaway

Last December, our family and other 3 families were blessed with opportunity for a weekend getaway to enjoy the snow. We don't  get snow here in sunny California but we are blessed to live only 4 hours away from the beautiful Lake Tahoe.

It's time:
To play with Papa the whole day. Yay!!!

To throw snow balls at each other

To slide or "ride boat" said Max 

To make a snow man

To play Ipad, which we do not own =P 

To read books

To enjoy the backyard of our rental home created by our awesome God

Group Picture - missing 3 other families who couldn't join us

We are so blessed to have them in our life. I wrote here more than 2 years ago how I was hesitated when God called me and Chris to start separate small group for the mommies and daddies in our church. We meet them every Sunday at church but we don't know them up close and personal. It takes months for us to get to know, accept, understand, and trust each other. I couldn't think of better way to build a close friendship than in small group. Cannot thank God enough for these wonderful friends.

Our pastor gave a message couple months ago that I wrote in my journal:
There are four spaces: 
- Public space: no body knows anything about other
- Social space: a brief encounter with each other
- Personal space: not only we knows each other name, we know each other personality
- Intimate space: we know deeply about each other in and out

Jesus is not content to know us in public/ social space only; He wants to know us personally and intimately. And, He called us into His family to love and care to one another. We grow together in the family of God.

"Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

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