Monday, March 14, 2011

Makes Me Happy

About once a week, Max and I go to library. I usually did my research earlier on what books I want to borrow for myself and Max and then reserve them online so all we got to do is picking them up from the the 'on hold selves' when we arrived. After we picked up our reserved books, we will then go to the children section, where Max either play with the computer or choose other books to read.

I didn't get chance to go to library last week so on Saturday I asked Chris to go with Max to pick up some books on hold and return some that was due. Before they went, Chris kept asking me to make sure he knows where he should go, where the children section, etc... I told him, "Don't worry, Max knows the library well." Later on Chris proudly reported that Max was the one who guided him all along. First, return the books, afterward move on to the on-hold-selves, then go to the children section. :) Ahhh.... mommy is so proud of you dear. :)

And below were what they brought home that day:
For Max:

For mommy:

I especially like The Perfect Scoop and Bringing Up Boysand  plan to buy those books from Amazon.
Love The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families - finished this book in one week. I read The Happiest Toddler on the Block before Max turned two and found it to be helpful as well. I didn't finish the book then and plan to finish it this time around.

Oh how I loveeeeeee the library

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