Thursday, June 23, 2011

Almost 3 months

My tiny 7 pounds baby is now weight 12 pounds. You still cries as loud as when he came out of my belly. The nurse who assisted your birth commented, "Boy, you got a strong lung!" What she meant was: "Boy, you cries so LOUD!

Since the first time I saw you I noticed that you looks a lot of your grandpa (my dad). Later on we learned that you got grandpa strong will and personalities too. He is a great man by the way, we hope you got chance to know him when you grow up.

I keep shouting "God help me!" when I was pushing you out. And, I've been saying the same prayers many times since then. You brought us a lot of joy and smile but you also keep us on our knees many nights since then. You barely slept the first month. We tried everything: from swaddling, nursing, giving extra milk, pacifier, gas reliever nothing works.:( You kept waking up every half hour. Every night mommy, daddy, and grandma has to take turn taking care of you. A few weeks later we figure out that you sleep longer when we let you sleep in your stomach, which is against the doctor order but that's the only you can sleep (and let us enjoy sleeping a bit longer).

On the second week after I gave birth to you, I got sick. At the same time, daddy was sick too. Thank God that your grandma (my mom) was here. She took care everything: you, your brother, cooking, cleaning, etc... All I got to do was nursing, eating, and sleeping. I can't thank God enough for her. You were such a champion too. You caught mom and dad's cough but recover quickly, such a strong boy you are.

Grandma went back home after spending 5 weeks taking care of us. O how I miss her dearly but mommy got to be strong for God has entrusted me with two strong boys: you and your brother to nurture. Speaking of your brother, I want you to know that your brother loves you since the first time he saw you.

He loves to kiss and cuddle you. He always ask if he could 'pao-pao' = hold you. He has been such a good helper too. He likes to help me by giving you a bath, bringing me your bottle/ pacifier, giving you your blanket, etc. Though he doesn't like it when you cries, he never ever complain. He would lovingly tell you, "Wesley don't cry, Koko Maxie is here, mommy is here too" :)

Wesley and Maxie, I want you both to know I love you both so much. I pray that God give me and your daddy the strength, love, and  wisdom to train you both to be men with good character who love and fear the Lord.

*Hugs* and *Kisses*
Your Mom


  1. Happy dedication day, Wesley! You have the most God-fearing Papah and Mamah in the whole world. You will grow to be a God-fearing man. Annie and Uncle can't wait to spend more time with you, Baby. Muachhh.

  2. So touching reading your mom's blog, Wesley. You indeed have wonderful parents, fear the Lord and cook we so well :) Can't wait for Kirsten to play with you! - Auntie Myrna -

  3. @Annie: Thank you! Our family is so blessed to know you two.
    @Auntie Myrna: Thank you dear auntie. So grateful for having your family live so close.
    @Nana: comee back pleaseeeeee
