Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Menu Plan

Last Saturday, Chris joined the Bible Class at our church. I had to sew a nursing cover for a dear friend so I asked Fonda if she can watch Wesley, which she joyfully agreed. In addition, The Prasetyas were kindly taking care of Max. So for the first time in 6+ months, I was having the whole afternoon all by myself. :)

Since we're running out of food in the house and I knew the sewing won't take me the entire day; I went to Farmet Market to get our produce then proceed to go to supermarket to get the rest of our grocery. I haven't been to supermarket in months since Chris usually does our grocery (I know I'm spoiled!). It's a win win situation for us since it's hard for me to shop with two kids in the meantime Chris also enjoy having to buy snacks without having his wife telling him to put them back to the shelves. Okay back to the post.

Here is my grocery:

I just wrote down my simple menu plan on sticky note then stick them on the fridge:
 In case you can't read my scribble, I wrote:
Menu - 4th week of October 2011 (and beyond - most likely this menu can last for two weeks)

Spinach Salad with balsamic dressing 
Stir fry Spinach
Meatball + bokchoy + carrot soup or Bihun goreng
Sayur Lodeh
Soto Bandung
Teriyaki/ Hainan Chicken
Pepes ikan & tofu

Snack/ Dessert/ Bread:
Boiled peanut
Artisan Dinner Roll or White Bread
Strawberry yogurt
Coffee ice cream
Oatmeal cookies
Apple crumble

Baby Food:
Japanese sweet potatoes
Hawaian yam

Want some? Come to our place!


  1. Ciciiii....i'm cominggg :P
    Thanks for letting me babysit Wesley, I LOVE his "I just had a great nap" smiley face =)

  2. Yay!!! You know what as soon as I post this the painters that have been working on our condo complex just started painting the outside of ours. So I can't do any cooking for three days since they sealed all our windows.
