Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Grandma

November 13, 1922(*) was the birth date I saw on her National Identification Card.
I asked her one day more than 15 years ago, "So is that your birth date, grandma?"
"No" she answered.
"I never knew my real birth date people back then do not really care about birthday. I just picked up the date because...." - I no longer remember her answer now.

A little over a year ago, my mom called. Grandma just fell down hard and broke her right arm. I cried. She was 87 years old then and I heard many older people whose health decline fast and passed away just days after they fell. We already booked ticket to go home for a visit a few months forward but I was worried: What if I don't get to see grandma again?

She had surgery to fix her broken arm. She never recover 100% but she went back to work: being busy in the kitchen, hand washing her clothes, caring for her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and so on.

I was pregnant with Wesley then and weeks before the day we're supposed to fly home, I had a bleeding. We thought we lost our baby but by God's grace, Wesley (who was then inside my uterus) was all well. My doctor advised us to delay the travel until after the baby's birth. I cried. What if I don't get to see grandma again?

Through Skype (Thank God for technology!), Grandma told me firmly, "Don't go home! I'll see you next year with two boys." I remember praying that God give me a chance to see grandma again. Fast forward one year later, 5 months after giving birth to Wesley, we went home. God answered our prayers. I got to touch, kiss, talk with, and listen to her stories. Grandma always have a lot of stories to tell. I remember growing up, she would tell me stories before nap time and I would keep asking her to tell me one more stories before I finally fell asleep.

She wasn't supposed to hold baby anymore but she insisted to hold Wesley when she was sitting down. Thus the picture above.

She has 9 children, 1 passed away due to fever; 18 grandchildren; and 9 great grandchildren (*). Everyday, she woke up early to pray for each and every one of them and mentioned them by name.

Some verses of Proverbs 31 describes grandma very well:

v.15 She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls.
v.17 She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.
v.25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
v.26 She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
v.27 She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
v.28 Her children arise and call her blessed
v.30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

She worked, she served, she prayed, she praised, she listened, she talked, she taught, she cared, she shared, she loved. She lived life to the fullest.

This morning, Sunday, November 13, 2011

My brother called and left me a message, "Sis, just want to let you know grandma passed away this evening (there is 15 hours different between Indonesia and The U.S.)
All I can think of is, "God is Good!" He has granted hers and our request. There are two things that grandma hated (beside flying on airplane): to see doctor and be a burden for anyone so she always watch what she ate and stayed active. She remained healthy 'till the day the Lord called her home on her 89th "birthday."

Later on my mom told me the detail. Grandma was just got home from having lunch with her daughter. She took a shower then locked her room to change her clothes. You see, grandma lived in the down stair room and her room always open (except when she dressed up after shower) for us to come in, whether we need a rub in the back, take a nap, or pour our heart out. I remember countless precious conversation I had with grandma on her bed. Yesterday evening, the door remained locked and by the time my family got into her room through breaking the window, grandma already went to be with Jesus. 

Grandma, I am celebrating you today. I am not going to mourn because I know you wouldn't want us to and I know you're with the Savior that you love so much.

Today, I am singing out loud these two songs that you loved to sing: 
Bapa Surgawi (Heavenly Father)
Kasih dari Surga (Love from Heaven)

Thank you, grandma, for EVERYTHING. I will see you in Heaven someday.

'Till we meet again.
Your proud granddaughter, 

(*) I'm not 100% sure I got the details right. I just remember these on the top of my head


  1. i am celebrating with u. for she had her portions and shared it well to next generations. may God the good saviour keep us to be faithful to the end! What a life, what a statement of faith she had and been lived for..

  2. Ci Kiki and family,

    Yesterday was definitely a great day in Heaven. All angels were singing and celebrating your makco with the legacy she left behind on earth. She finished the race, did a marvelous job, and God is so proud of her. Make her proud by continuing her legacy too.

    Our prayer and love with your family,

    Marcel, Yanny n Baby Manny/Piddy

  3. I am so touched by your writing about your grandma. Inspiring great woman indeed. I love what you wrote about her, especially this particular one, "She has 9 children, 1 passed away due to fever; 18 grandchildren; and 9 great grandchildren (*). Everyday, she woke up early to pray for each and every one of them and mentioned them by name."

    No wonder you are amazing child of God, Kiki. The legacy passed on generation to generation.

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Kie, you're blessed to have such a Godly grandma. May the Lord strengthen your family, to be an instrument of blessing for others, just like how your grandma has been. With deepest condolences - astrid and fam.

  5. Thank you so much for your love, support, and prayer! Our family is blessed and grateful to have her indeed so we're celebrating a life well lived. We were thinking to go back for her funeral but then we realized that if she were still able to speak she wouldn't like us to do so. I know exactly what she was going to say, "Why? I'm no longer here anyway." I had a precious conversation with her when I went home just a couple month ago. She asked, "you miss home so much ya that's why you comeback with baby and toddler." then I answered, "yes, I miss you." then she gave me her sweetest smile." I love my emak! :)
