I'm thankful for:
1. My Savior, the One who loves me and gives me the reasons to live.
2. My best friend, lover, and the father of my children.
3. My creative and loving first born, Max
4. My resilient and sweet Wesley
5. The Bible, what would I do without it
6. Our family who loves us dearly
7. My brothers and sisters in Christ who always be there for us whenever we need help, prayers, or loving embrace
8. Our small cozy home.
9. For meals on the table. "The Lord is my shepherd I never be in want." - Psalm 23:1
10. Hot water
11. My comfort thing that keep my feet warm at night. :)
12. Chris' work and his early work schedule, which allow him to be home early
13. The privilege to live in the U.S. with freedom to worship God, to dream, and teach my own children
14. The library and good books that we can borrow from it.
15. Max loves for books. Way to go dear!
16. My sewing machine and the ability to sew
17. California weather
18. My bread machine, a gift from my mother in law,
19. and the yummy breads that comes out of it.
20. The internet
21. Skype. It's priceless to be able to see our family who live thousands miles away. My grandma even got chance to see Wes crawled before she passed away
23. My sweet friends.
24. And for their blogs, which allows me to peek into their life
25. Facebook. I love especially the fact that my mom can write to us and see pics of her grandchildren.
26. Readers of my blog. Whoever you are, thank you for stopping by. Hope you are blessed by reading.
27. For other inspirational blogs, which encourage me to be a better person, wife, mom, steward.
29. The time I had with my amazing grandma. I miss her so much but glad she is now in better place with a perfect body.
30. The ability to cook. I'm not a gifted cook but I'm glad I can read and follow recipe.
31. The chance to be home to laugh, play, nurture, and teach my kiddos.
1. My Savior, the One who loves me and gives me the reasons to live.
2. My best friend, lover, and the father of my children.
3. My creative and loving first born, Max
4. My resilient and sweet Wesley
5. The Bible, what would I do without it
6. Our family who loves us dearly
7. My brothers and sisters in Christ who always be there for us whenever we need help, prayers, or loving embrace
8. Our small cozy home.
9. For meals on the table. "The Lord is my shepherd I never be in want." - Psalm 23:1
10. Hot water
11. My comfort thing that keep my feet warm at night. :)
12. Chris' work and his early work schedule, which allow him to be home early
13. The privilege to live in the U.S. with freedom to worship God, to dream, and teach my own children
14. The library and good books that we can borrow from it.
15. Max loves for books. Way to go dear!
16. My sewing machine and the ability to sew
17. California weather
18. My bread machine, a gift from my mother in law,
19. and the yummy breads that comes out of it.
20. The internet
21. Skype. It's priceless to be able to see our family who live thousands miles away. My grandma even got chance to see Wes crawled before she passed away
23. My sweet friends.
24. And for their blogs, which allows me to peek into their life
25. Facebook. I love especially the fact that my mom can write to us and see pics of her grandchildren.
26. Readers of my blog. Whoever you are, thank you for stopping by. Hope you are blessed by reading.
27. For other inspirational blogs, which encourage me to be a better person, wife, mom, steward.
29. The time I had with my amazing grandma. I miss her so much but glad she is now in better place with a perfect body.
30. The ability to cook. I'm not a gifted cook but I'm glad I can read and follow recipe.
31. The chance to be home to laugh, play, nurture, and teach my kiddos.
"You are my God, and I will give you thanks;
you are my God, and I will exalt you."
Psalm 118:28
you are my God, and I will exalt you."
Psalm 118:28
ciiiii maxie's hair look differenttt hereee :D is it new hairstyle? i miss youuu and thankful for you everyday :) <3