Saturday, November 5, 2011

We can choose....

Our family is battling with flu at this moment with Wesley and I took the worst hit.  Though the coughing makes it hard for him to sleep, we are so thankful that he remains cheerful, cuddly, and still has a good appetite. 

We got a letter update earlier this week from a family friend, whose dear wife and mother struggle with MS for many years. I copy and paste some of the letter here. May it be an encouragement for you as it has been for us.

Dear Friends,
Sometimes Thanksgiving starts on the floor.
Last Sunday we visited Sue's hometown of Santa Barbara and sending church. We spent the night with Sue's sister Heidi and started around 6 a.m. to get ready for church at 9. While getting Sue ready for church, her blood pressure dropped to around 60 to 70 and she fainted. That is very typical in the morning, because her Shy-Drager Syndrome makes her autonomic functions not function well. I sat her down to recover and propped her up sitting, then walked out of the room to ask Heidi for some help. While I was gone, Sue fell, and fell against the door.Heidi and I could barely open the door to talk to her. The bad news, Sue was stuck inside and we could not easily get back in. The good news, Sue woke up once she was lying down. After about 10 minutes of reaching around the door, slowly edging Sue away, Heidi managed to squeeze through the door. Another few minutes and I got in as well. Sue motioned that she wanted to speak. her first words were, "I choose to praise the Lord!"

Sometimes Thanksgiving starts on the floor. It's when we are down and looking up that we gain perspective on what is really important in life. I don't know if you've hit the floor lately or not, either physically, financially, relationally, or emotionally. But when you are flat on your back, your prayers tend to get shorter, sweeter, and more to the point. We often cannot choose our circumstances. But we can choose our reactions. Sue chose to say, "I choose to praise the Lord." She actually did it

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