Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How I Get Free E-Books

When I was pregnant with Wesley,  my lovely girlfriends + hubby gave me kindle as their gifts:

I'm in tears when I got it. I had been wanting to get one but kept delaying due to the price: $139 is not cheap plus I wasn't sure I like it more than regular books. Turned out I do! It has been my faithful companion when I nurse Wes. Thank you so much, gals!

My friend, Elisse, asked me this morning how I get free e-books for my kindle.

Some e-books are free for one or some days only. ChristianPF wrote an article on how to get free e-books here

However, since I don't have much time to browse the web for free e-books. I usually found out about free e-books from
I subscribe to her site through Google Reader that way I get updates whenever she post deals. I usually just open her post on 'deals' that I need and ignore the rest or 'mark as read'.
Crystal, the wonderful woman behind the site is a Christian, entrepreneur, and homeschooler. Most of the e-books were pre-screened by her. Of course, I don't download all free e-books that she posted just the ones that fit my need. 

That's it. I thought I shared my answer here in case any of you need are interested :)

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