Earlier this week, I checked the weather and learned that it was supposed to be mostly cloudy 'till Thursday. Already not feeling well, I remembered Nana' sharing here so I prayed for sunshine (selfish I know! Fonda just reminded me that many people are hoping for snow in Tahoe). I was feeling very weak on Tuesday afternoon so I asked Chris to try to get home early to watch the kids so that I can rest. Bless his heart; he immediately went home. I took a long 4 hours nap afterward awaken by warm sunshine through the windows. GOD IS GOOD!
Then I read my bible passage that day from Ephesians 3, which is Paul's prayer for the Ephesians. Verse 18 stood up, " I pray that you, ... may have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ."
The next day, I was determined to get out and enjoy the sunshine.
My first born is an observant little fella. He will walk, then stop, point out to details that I would easily miss if I walk by myself
Like this tree, the only tree in our street that still have some red on it:
Meanwhile my other boy is also enjoying the walk:
I kept reminding him to not stay too close to Wes, who was sick, but it's too hard for him not to touch
or kiss his baby brother
"Mama, this tree has some nuts. Take a picture!" Max said. So I did:
May you also experience God's love today