I bought my packing cubes from Container Store for $10 each. I thought of ordering from Amazon.com but so glad I didn't because after comparing the different sizes and shapes, I decided to go with these cubes below { they were supposed to be for shoes, at least that's what the label says, but I found them to be perfect for Max and Wes' clothes}. So I got two of them that way their clothes don't get lost in the big luggage. When we arrive at the hotel, I just put those cubes in the dresser.
I use the same idea: using small compartments for my underwear and other small stuffs:
Below is what our luggage looks like from our recent travel. The yellow bags holds all our swimming and snorkeling gear. The blue one hold our toiletries, the red bag holds the boys' snacks
We also brought empty water bottles. At the bottom you can see the packing cubes and my make up bag.
Don't forget to make or update your Packing List. It really makes packing so much faster.
Have a blessed summer time!