Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Quilt That Made Me Cry

In our living room, we have a big leather sofa but most of the time we {including the little ones} would choose to sit on the fabric single chair because the leather chair is cold especially during winter. 

So I thought of making a quilt after finding a great tutorial here

With the series of sickness that we had lately, we had been staying home more so I got chance to do this while the boys are resting:

putting the pieces together,

a few more steps:

then it's done. My first quilt! Woohoo!

Now I can enjoy the single chair all by myself while the boys got tossed to the leather chair:

And the part that made me cry? 

As I examined the quilt, I noticed the red patches and I heard Him whispered: "Those are the moments when you're in pain when you got your braces; when you cried when your parent didn't approve when you chose to follow Me; when you fail, when someone you love hurt you, when your friend left you, when you suffers from painful headaches, when someone you love died,.... "

Through the ups and downs, trials and successes, tears and laughter, painful and happy moments God's hands are knitting a beautiful handy work.  I am reminded of this Indonesian Christian song

Pelangi KasihNya
Apa yang kau alami kini mungkin tak dapat engkau mengerti
Cobaan yang engkau alami tak melebihi kekuatanmu

Tuhanmu tak akan memberi ular beracun pada yang minta roti
Satu hal tanamkan di hati, indah semua yang Tuhan b'ri

Tangan Tuhan sedang merenda suatu karya yang agung mulia
Saatnya 'kan tiba nanti, kau lihat pelangi kasihNya

{English Translation}
Rainbow of His Love
You may not understand your current situation
but no temptation is beyond what you can bear

Your God won't give poisonous snake to those asks for breads
Keep in your heart that everything God gives are beautiful

God's hands are knitting a great glorious work
The time will come you see His rainbow of love

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ." 2 Corinthians 1:3-5


  1. Beautiful quilt and great blog, thanks Mimi..happy thanksgiving :)

  2. good job on your first quilt, kikiana! love your sharing too ... very touching, sister. hugs!
